This week, each class has been learning more about another country. Poland, Bulgaria, Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Ireland, Italy and China were all researched as inspiration for art, music, dance and other creative activities. The countries were chosen from the wide range of nationalities who make up our school community.
This was a new venture for our school, which we wanted to celebrate and share with parents and wider families. We are very grateful to Mrs Karen Sadler (who works with our school for the ‘English as an Additional Language Service’) for suggesting the event and supporting planning and implementation. We were also delighted that Mr Paul Davies, from GWE, attended and commented on the tremendous community atmosphere. Huge thanks to all parents, staff and pupils who contributed to the event, especially those parents who came in to speak to pupils and show items, who cooked and made recipes and taught songs and dances. At a time when conflict and disagreement divides nations, this event was a wonderful demonstration of our international unity. Grow in love. Comments are closed.