On Tuesday, this week, we celebrated ‘Dydd Santes Dwynwen’. Children in each class produced some fantastic creative work, both inside and outside the classrooms.
If you’d like to know more about Santes Dwynwen, there was a summary in the Daily Post this week (link below) https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/st-dwynwens-day-tragic-tale-22851127
As promised, this week, we’ll have a quick look at what Years 3-6 have been up to.
For Year’s 5 and 6 it’s been an exciting but tiring week, as they’ve been swimming every morning and will be doing the same next week. This meant empty plates and second helpings, at lunchtime, and one or two tired pupils by home time. On top of swimming Year 6 found time to write setting descriptions in Language work and explored ratio and loop cards, outside, in Maths. Their new topic this Term is ‘Our Changing World’, and they’ve started by learning about recycling. For Year 5 the new topic is ‘Out of this World’. This week they have learnt about our Solar System and why the invention of the telescope was so important. They've also started to transform their classroom by creating a space themed display and hanging the planets from the ceiling. Children in Year 4 have been busy learning about timelines in history and people who help us, in their Come and See RE work. They’ve also been carrying out hand washing experiments! Finally Year 3 have been learning to recite ‘Stori Dewi Sant’ and listening to the Snowdon Overture by Gareth Glyn. They then had to interpret and reflect on the music in pictures and/or words. It’s been another busy week and our ‘Criw Cymraeg’ also had time to introduce resources to ensure everyone is ordering their lunch in Welsh. Da iawn pawb. #tyfumewncariad So, let’s dive head first into the Spring Term with a look around the Foundation Phase classrooms.
Nursery’s new topic is Nursery Rhymes. They made New Years resolution stars, created stars in the Twinkly play dough, sieved the sand for hidden stars, completed dot to dot number constellations, wrote ‘s’ for star on the whiteboards and made stars on the light board. The new topic in Reception is fairytales and their first story was the Three Little Pigs. They built houses outside for the pigs, created different parts of the story in play dough, stuck the correct materials on labelled houses and wrote key words. Year 1 took a stroll through the seasons, kept warm with their Hot Chocolate stand, made woolly hats and enjoyed other Winter themed activities. It was a great first week back and the staff were delighted to see the children. Year 2s new topic is ‘Weather’. They created tally, bar charts and used J2e to create pictograms of their favourite weather. They designed, built and evaluated snow forts made using marshmallows and sticks (They showed great team work) Finally, they researched snowfall in Wales and the amount of snow on Snowdon. As you can see, children and staff in Foundation Phase have been very busy, already, this term. Next week, we’ll have a look round Key Stage 2. |