This week, as we come to the end of another busy half term, there has been lots to celebrate. (Let’s do the positive bit first before the moan!) A small sample of this week’s learning can be seen in the pictures above. Whether it is ‘Mrs Aspinall’s Greek Cooking Marathon’ with Years 5 and 6 or Year 3’s excellent ICT skills, there’s certainly been 100% effort. Or how about our younger classes celebrating the Pentecost message or Year 2 spreading joy and happiness on their walk to the beach or help for the Food Bank? It’s all been very positive. Even our after school clubs have been out and about with Storytelling Club’s trip to Colwyn Bay Library.
So we keep moving forward with curriculum in its widest sense but it must be said that things are very stretched. (Here comes the moan!) This week, we received a reminder that finances will not improve in the next couple of years so we must continue to make savings. As you know, we have not had to make redundancies, so far, but the cuts have already impacted in so many ways on provision for our children. For example, when there was more money if staff were not in school due to illness, trips or training, we could pay for cover - now we have to juggle and manage. This can make school participation in lots of positive events very difficult. A group of Year 5 pupils had hoped to attend a Tag Rugby event at Ysgol Eirias today. We had shuffled staffing to try and make this possible - just. But it had to be cancelled as other local schools were also struggling to release staff. As a direct result of the cuts, valuable learning experiences like these are happening less often (and not because of a lack of desire or effort from schools). After half term, we plan to go to the Diocesan Athletics - always a highlight of the school year. However, it has been moved from Colwyn Bay to Rhyl due to problems with the track at Eirias and will therefore involve significant transport costs, as well as the staffing pressures described above. Despite these difficulties, we will still try to give our young athletes this opportunity. I am sorry if this comes across as negative but I think it is important to draw attention to the fact that staff in all schools are striving to provide the experiences every child deserves in the context of a very, very difficult financial climate.
So, what is the Year 4 trip to Pentre all about?
Well, as you can see from the photos, on the face of it, it’s about getting out and about in the lakes, rivers, hills and woodland of beautiful North Wales. And with the sun shining too, what better way to spend a few days? Of course, it is not just fun we’re after - there must be challenge too. Children experience doubt and fear about what they can or cannot do and the development of resilience and a ‘can do attitude’ is a massive part of the trip. However, it is about so much more than just activities and challenge. Many parents and staff can recall their own trip to Pentre or Nant - many, many years ago. Often as their happiest or most abiding memory of school life. So what makes it so special? Children, classes and teachers are different when they are there - each see the other in a different light. You get a more rounded view of one another’s personalities than you can ever get in school. For many children it is their first experience of looking after themselves - making their own lunch, serving one another at meals, making a bed, cleaning tables, selecting the right clothing. It is a precious taste of independence (and responsibility). For ‘coastal townies’, the 45 minute journey inland is to enter a different world, right on our doorstep. In the silence of the countryside, surrounded by lambs, without any digital devices, you start to see things differently and explore alternative interests and ways to be. Finally, you notice the needs of others. So often we see children, who may usually be focussed on their own needs and problems, reach out to others - helping with homesickness/getting to sleep, sharing the cleaning or just acting as a cheerleader on a long walk. Mrs Laing tells me that this is best sleeping class she has ever taken. She also tells me she is having to abandon her original planning for next week and replace it with activities that follow on from the trip - the children were so enthused by their learning they demanded it continued! Finally, Mrs Laing told the staff at Pentre were very impressed with our children, and that they always are. This is a credit to you, as parents and carers. In an underfunded education system, places like Pentre are always under threat - seen as an expensive luxury or add on! If your child or you have been you will know that places like Pentre are ESSENTIAL - indeed, they are the perfect place to develop ‘The Four Purposes’. I truly hope that your children will be packing their children’s bags 20-30 years from now, as they head off on an outdoor adventure. Finally, thank you to all the staff at Pentre and to Mrs Laing, Mrs McGowan and Mr Roberts, for giving up their time to make this trip possible. Da iawn pawb!
Heddiw, we celebrated our Eisteddfodau - both were ffantastig. Llongyfarchiadau i pawb - the children who took part, the many, many families who came to watch and the staff who helped the children to showcase their many talents. A special thank you to our judges, Mrs Pritchard, Mr Smith, Paul and Jennifer - you made the today’s events even more special. There were many highlights, today, but I’ll pick out just three. Firstly, an under strength staff worked doubly hard to ensure the day was a success - this meant lots of people doing multiple jobs to cover one another. Secondly, almost all our children with additional learning needs participated fully with their classmates. Finally, I was impressed by the respectful hush of the hall as everyone listened to the performers. It’s been noted that I am getting older and grumpier - on days like these I spend a lot of time moaning about my tired feet as I shift more furniture around hall. However, when the children are on stage giving 100% and we see the faces of their proud families, we know that it’s all worthwhile. Already looking forward to the next one! |