We know the most likely answer to the question, ‘What did you do in school today?’
‘Nothing!’ Over the coming months, we hope to make you more aware of what happens between 8.55am and 3.15pm and we promise you, it’s not ‘nothing’! Firstly, teachers in each class will be tweeting examples of the learning activities taking place in their classrooms. Secondly, we will be inviting families to our Sharing Assemblies and RE Topic Celebrations on Friday afternoons. After these assemblies we will be providing coffee/tea and refreshments. We know your child’s learning is vitally important to you and we know that the great work taking place in St Joseph’s, each day, needs to be shared. Hopefully, these small steps can take us forward on our journey to ‘Grow in Love’ as a school community. The governors were pleased to meet with an excellent turn out of parents at Wednesday night’s meeting. A lot of valuable discussion took place, which resulted in a clear path to follow in order to further develop our school mission.
The following were the key points.....
Governors, staff and parents will be working hard over the coming months to put these plans into action. Genuine thanks to all who have participated in this discussion and planning, as we continue to ‘Grow in Love’ together. I’m sure mums and dads were pleased that the children finally returned to school on Monday. We were glad to see there were so many happy children’s faces, too. We celebrated the start of the year and our Spring Term with whole school mass on Thursday. Sometimes, it can take a long time for all 230+ children to arrive and be seated but the first class ready, this week, were the Nursery. As you can see from the photo, many of the children sat with their hands together, eyes closed and said their prayers, while they were waiting. Once mass began, Year 3 children read beautifully, our altar servers (including two new recruits) did a great job and all children sang with enthusiasm.
Over the coming months, with support and advice from Fr Ryan, we plan to make further changes which will increase pupil engagement in the celebration of mass and deepen their spiritual understanding. Welcome back everybody. It’s going to be a short, but very busy Spring Term. |