Clwb 200 Club
The 200 Club supports our building fund – an essential resource for the maintenance and development of our School, and for the provision of matched funding to secure grants from the Welsh Assembly. The Diocesan funding support we have received in the past is no longer available, and so more of the costs of maintenance and refurbishment must be met by the School.
The 200 Club is open to anyone over the age of 16 who would like to support our School.
What can I win?
From January 2019, first prize will be £50, and second prize £10 (in the event that insufficient numbers are sold in any month, prizes will be reduced appropriately).
How much does it cost?
Each number costs £1 per month/£12 per year
Can I have more than one number?
Yes, just pay the appropriate amount, for example £2 per month/£24 per year for two numbers, £3 per month/£36 per year for three numbers etc.
How do I pay?
Payment by standing order is preferred. Please complete the attached form and return to the school. You can pay by cash or cheque (payable to ‘St Joseph’s 200 Club’) via the school, but please also complete the contact details on the attached standing order form.
How do I win?
Draws take place monthly, on the last Friday of each month, at PTA Coffee morning in the Parish Community Centre. Winners are notified by email (where an email address has been provided), through the School, or by telephone. Payments are made by cheque.
Interested in joining?
Simply complete the 'Contact details and Standing Order Form' below and return it to the School office. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque to the School, but please provide your Contact details on the Standing Order form.
Already a member?
Please provide your up-to-date contact details (including an email address) on the 'Contact details and Standing Order Form' below. If you’d like to buy additional numbers, complete the Standing Order section of the form and return to the School Office.
Dr John Mulley is the 200 Club Coordinator. For further details, please see the 'Contact Details and Standing Order Form' below or contact Dr John Mulley at [email protected]
GDPR Statement: By providing your details you consent to being contacted regarding the St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 200 Club. Such communication will be limited to notification of winning numbers or other business directly related to the 200 Club, such as the results of monthly draws, and missing or expiring payments. All personal information will be securely stored, and kept only for the duration of your membership of the 200 Club. Your information will not be shared with any other parties.
The 200 Club is open to anyone over the age of 16 who would like to support our School.
What can I win?
From January 2019, first prize will be £50, and second prize £10 (in the event that insufficient numbers are sold in any month, prizes will be reduced appropriately).
How much does it cost?
Each number costs £1 per month/£12 per year
Can I have more than one number?
Yes, just pay the appropriate amount, for example £2 per month/£24 per year for two numbers, £3 per month/£36 per year for three numbers etc.
How do I pay?
Payment by standing order is preferred. Please complete the attached form and return to the school. You can pay by cash or cheque (payable to ‘St Joseph’s 200 Club’) via the school, but please also complete the contact details on the attached standing order form.
How do I win?
Draws take place monthly, on the last Friday of each month, at PTA Coffee morning in the Parish Community Centre. Winners are notified by email (where an email address has been provided), through the School, or by telephone. Payments are made by cheque.
Interested in joining?
Simply complete the 'Contact details and Standing Order Form' below and return it to the School office. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque to the School, but please provide your Contact details on the Standing Order form.
Already a member?
Please provide your up-to-date contact details (including an email address) on the 'Contact details and Standing Order Form' below. If you’d like to buy additional numbers, complete the Standing Order section of the form and return to the School Office.
Dr John Mulley is the 200 Club Coordinator. For further details, please see the 'Contact Details and Standing Order Form' below or contact Dr John Mulley at [email protected]
GDPR Statement: By providing your details you consent to being contacted regarding the St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School 200 Club. Such communication will be limited to notification of winning numbers or other business directly related to the 200 Club, such as the results of monthly draws, and missing or expiring payments. All personal information will be securely stored, and kept only for the duration of your membership of the 200 Club. Your information will not be shared with any other parties.
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