It was another wonderful Parish Christmas Fair, today, held in the school hall. There was plenty of fun and excitement for all ages. This event has developed over the years, and we think, this year, offered the best range of stalls, food, games and activities, ever. Our children enjoyed playing Hook a Bauble, Pin the nose on Rudolph, Guess the Teacher, Nerf Gun Range, Christmas Craft, Decorate a Biscuit and many others. They also got to visit Fr Christmas and receive a small gift. I think we are all now ready for the start of Advent!
Many thanks to all the St Joseph’s school staff who added their support at this event. It’s been a great week for Design and Technology in Years 3-6. Each class has been working with Mr Arwel Williams from TechnoEd. They have been developing a wide range of DT, Science and Numeracy skills in projects linked to their topic work.
Year 3 built Celtic Chariots, Year 4 created their own Victorian Piers, Year 5 made lighthouses and Year 6 constructed models of WWII Anderson Shelters. This work involved investigations into wheels and axels, strength in structures and electrical circuits. As you can see from the images above, there were some excellent finished products. We always enjoy working with Mr Williams and look forward to more exciting projects, with his help, in the new year. This Friday, children dressed up in spotty, own clothes, plus the odd Pudsey, here and there. In assembly, we talked about how God is happy when we smile and help other people. The children patted themselves on the back for their donations to those children who most needed help. In all we raised £285.
Our shoeboxes, with gifts for more needy children, will be collected by Teams4U early next week. |