In our assemblies we have been talking about Lent and our preparations for Easter. We are all trying to grow closer to God in prayer and actions.
Each class have been set a challenge to work collectively to make things better for others. This could be in school, the local community or in the wider world. Below are the plans for each class. We will let you know how we get on. Nursery Planting bulbs and plants in the playgrounds to make our school nicer for everyone. Reception Looking for people to help in the classroom each day. For example, helping each other put on their aprons for painting. Year 1 Working together to try to reduce the amount of food waste in school. Year 2 Collecting old football shirts to be sent to Africa for children who have no PE kit. Year 3 Carrying out surveys and campaigns to reduce the amount of litter in school grounds and around the perimeters. Year 4 Visiting the local nursing home - working with and talking to the residents. Year 5 Sponsored cycle in class to cover the distance it would take to get into space (related to their maths and Science work) Year 6 Holding a clothes ‘jumble sale’ at the end of term to raise money for CAFOD. Comments are closed.