Nurture in St Joseph's
As a school, we are currently completing ‘The Nurturing Schools Programme’ which is administered by Nurture UK. It is a whole school approach to wellbeing, based on the six principles of nurture, below.
In order to become a ‘Nurturing School’, we will need to provide evidence against a wide range of standards. These standards relate to provision for, and relationships with, pupils, staff, parents and the wider community.
For pupils, a key element, will be the use of a developmental assessment tool called the Boxall Profile. This is used to identify social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. It then provides a wide range of activities and interventions to address the identified needs.
For pupils, a key element, will be the use of a developmental assessment tool called the Boxall Profile. This is used to identify social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. It then provides a wide range of activities and interventions to address the identified needs.
We strongly believe that the programme will help us to further develop systems and relationships to deliver on our mission statement to ‘Grow in Love’.
The extract below is from the Nurture UK website where further information can be found.
Who Benefits…
The extract below is from the Nurture UK website where further information can be found.
Who Benefits…
- Pupils benefit – from the approach that supports them in their specific needs while delivering teaching and learning in a way that all can access. The pupil is at the heart of the school focus and their learning is understood developmentally.
- Parents benefit – from being involved and welcomed in the school, in seeing the improvement in the children’s learning, behaviour, confidence and attendance. A better outcome for their children both in and out of the school and classroom.
- Teachers benefit – from a renewed focus on their pupils and a culture change where every voice counts. A more balanced measure of outcomes for individual pupils ensues.
- Schools benefit – from showing their commitment to developing an ethos and culture that is inclusive supports everyone in and associated with the school
- Communities benefit – from having a school that wants to be at the heart of the community and demonstrates its central role in children and young people’s lives.