‘Check In, Catch Up and Prepare’
From Monday 29th June, you and your child(ren) will be welcomed back to school with a smile. Our staff will be doing everything we can to ensure that ‘Check In, Catch Up and Prepare’ is a safe, fun, positive and happy experience for your child.
As always, St Joseph’s will be an environment in which we can all ‘Grow in Love’. Here’s how things will work…… ![]()
You MUST complete the ‘Declaration Form’ before your child can attend ‘Check In, Catch Up and Prepare’ sessions.
(click here) |
Q. Will When will my child come to school?
Your child will attend school for one day a week. Your child will attend on the same day each week, for four weeks. They will be given one of three staggered start times - 9.15am, 9.30am and 9.45am and one of three staggered collection times – 2.15pm, 2.30pm and 2.45pm. These will also remain the same for each of the four weeks. Days and times will be issued as soon as possible. We will try to put your child with friends.
What will happen at drop-off and collection?
Your child will be dropped off and collected at one of three entrances at the agreed time.
- · Reception Children – Nursery Gate (by the church)
- · Year 1 and 2 – Lower Front Yard Gate
- · Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Driveway Gate
To avoid congestion we request that those families travelling to school by car, park in the following areas.
- · Reception – Conwy Road
- · Years 1 and 2 – Lower Brackley Avenue
- · Years 3 and 4 – Upper Brackley Avenue
- · Years 5 and 6 – Lansdowne Road
How will you keep my child safe?
Children will be in groups of six children who will not mix with other groups of learners. We will be trying to maintain social distancing between children and staff, at all times.
Everyone will wash their hands…
- · On arrival and before leaving school
- · Before and after eating
- · Before and after using any shared equipment
High contact surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day and a thorough cleaning regime will be in operation each evening.
Any child displaying key symptoms (or with a family member displaying key symptoms) will not be allowed to attend the site. Any child developing symptoms whilst on site will be sent home immediately and kept separate from other children until collected by parents/carers.
Movement around the school will be minimised. Where corridors have to be used, they will be clearly marked for pupils to travel on the left.
Whenever possible windows and doors will be open to increase ventilation.
Toilets will be accessed by one child at a time.
What will the classroom look like?
There will be six pupils in a class. In all classrooms, except Reception, there will be six tables, with six chairs spaced 2m apart, as far as is physically possible. All non-essential classroom equipment and furniture will be either removed or covered up.
What about uniform?
Uniform will be optional. Children should wear comfortable clothes suitable for playing and working in the outdoors. They should also have a coat if there is any threat of rain or cold weather. Please do not make any unnecessary purchases of uniform or footwear before the summer.
What will they be doing?
Children will come to school to ‘Check In, Catch Up and Prepare’. In our school this will mean your child can expect the following activities
- · Prayers and Class Worship at the usual times of day
- · A review of the work they have been doing at home
- · Basic skills work in Maths and English
- · ‘Come and See’ work
- · Wellbeing activities
- · Creative and physical activities
- · Preparation for the next set of home learning activities
What about playtimes and lunchtime?
We will be maximising the use of the outdoors both for play and learning. There will be staggered playtimes and timetabled use of available spaces, including Rydal field. Structured and unstructured play will be encouraged along social distancing guidelines, wherever possible.
Pupils should bring their own packed lunch and a water bottle, which can be refilled in school, if required. Lunches will either be eaten in the classroom or outside, if weather allows.
What if I am a critical worker?
Children of critical workers will continue to be able to access existing Childcare provision, as well as the ‘Check In, Catch Up and Prepare’ offer for all pupils. However, the Childcare has moved to the hall. Childcare at St Joseph’s will finish on Friday 24th July.
To access Childcare you must be registered with Conwy and use our Booking Form (click below)
Answers to other FAQs about 'Check In, Catch Up and Prepare' (this area will be added to as issues are raised)
Q. Will Breakfast Club be available during for 'Check In' pupils?
A. No, sorry.
Q. What will Reception be like?
A. They are likley to have a spot on the floor rather than a desk/chair and there will be more moevemnt around areas of learning (fully supervised with social distancing encouraged but not assured) compared to other classes.
Q. Can they bring snacks and will there be milk?
A. There will be no milk in school but children can bring extra snacks for braeks etc, in their packed lunch.
Q. Will the rules be explained to the children when they arrive, so they know how to get the teacher's attebntion etc?
A. Yes, staff will be very clear about the new routines and expectations and will continue to positively reinforce them through the day.
Q. What will you do if children are distressed at the gate and refusing to come in to school?
A. We will try to verbally encourage them in the usual manner but if they cannot be persuaded, they will have to return home and try again the following week. Parents need to help us by building their children up for the positive experience of going back, seeing friends and playing etc
Q. Will staff be wearing PPE in school?
A. Staff will be using PPE for first aid, intimate care needs, cleaning and if dictated by a risk assessment for specific pupils with additional learning needs. WG Guidance states that PPE will not be required for staff in everyday classroom activities. Some staff may choose to wear some form of PPE due to increased vulnerablity. This is a very complicated area and as the situation changes, we will keep you updated.
Q. What if I have children who need to enter through different gates at the same time?
A. We realise this will be difficult - please just do your best.
Q. Can children of critical workers go from Childcare to ‘Check In’ and back to Childcare on their scheduled day?
A. Yes
Q. Is there a routine to keep the toilets safe?
A. Yes, only one child will be allowed in a toilet block at one time.
Q. If we said no to coming back for Week 1, can they come for Week 2 etc?
A. Yes, just get in touch.
Q. Can children bring their own hand sanitisers in their lunchboxes?
A. Yes, but there will be santisers in school and regular handwashing is the best precaution.
Q. Do parents need to queue up with their child in the morning?
A. Yes please, as we will need to confirm that all of your household are symptom free.
Q. Will children go from gate to class on their own?
A. Yes, whenever possible, but there will be staff waiting and ready for them at the classroom door.
Q. What if my child is not happy with the group he is with? Can they change?
A. It will be very difficult to move children around, as this creates extra risks with the virus. We have tried our best to put children with friends. However, if there are difficulties after their first day, please discuss with us.
Q. Can children bring their bags?
A. Yes
Q. Can my child come on a bike/scooter and leave it in school?
A. If they are coming with you, or safe travelling to school by scooter/bike - yes, it will be fine to keep it safe in school until home time.
Q. Are school dinners available for ‘Check In’ pupils?
A. No, sorry - only children accessing Childcare can have school meals.
Finally, for quick answers to any questions not covered so far (big or small), please ask below the latest video on the school Facebook Page.