This week our new GIFT Team began their mission. GIFT stands for ‘Grow in Faith Together’ and their mission is to take the lead on our school’s faith journey.
Last week all interested children were invited to apply for a position on the team. Last Friday all applicants were interviewed to assess their suitability for the role and to see how they felt they could contribute to our journey. Nine children were chosen and their mission began in our church on Thursday as they took the lead with our first mass of the school year. It was a special harvest mass, where children dressed in bright colours and families donated bags and bags of food to our church-based food bank. The team prepared well and read clearly and confidently. In response the whole school prayed respectfully and sang beautifully. We were very proud. On the day we also raised £223 for CAFOD. But, the GIFT Team’s work was not done! On Friday afternoon they led our whole school assembly. Using CAFOD’s resources they explained how our £223 could purchase some ‘World Gifts’ which change lives. Again, the team set a wonderful example to the rest of the school and they ended by promising they would go away to consider how best to spend the £223 in donations. Finally, thank you to Miss Copp, GIFT Team manager. The GIFT Team themselves, our prayerful gatherings and our vibrant masses all stem from her faith and commitment to the parish of St Joseph’s.